Monday, February 8, 2010

22 Floaters For Sale Floaters And Red Eyes - HELP!?

Floaters and red eyes - HELP!? - 22 floaters for sale

I had an eye exam (dilation, global), a month ago and was given the green light. However, I have floaters, many people in both eyes (more on that in an other than those) who are particularly visible and troublesome outside or you see a blank screen. My eyes are very red, especially in the corners. I read a sort of doctor on Google, and I was afraid something like CMV retinitis "- went for an HIV test just to be safe - and confirmed negative. Floater slowly than suddenly, and I can still too see. I 'm 22, healthy and very short-sighted of guilt by Dr. (float). I'm going blind? "I have a retinal detachment or separate? Is there blame contacts? Should I bother the doctors and ask for proof? It is a major problem that is overlooked or ignored? Thank you for your comments cultured

1 comment:

Tim N said...

Floaters are not uncommon. For years I was tortured and was short-sighted, until I had LASIK. I still have floaters. They are also a network of more than my vision, but not so severe that they interfere with my view. They are a nuiscance. You will not be blind. You do not have CMV, and you know without a shadow of a doubt, if she had a retinal detachment. His eyes are red are not related to its fleet in context. More than likely some type of environmental exposure to an irritant. I would not worry if I were you. The floats used in order to frighten me. If you really feel on this narrow, seek a second opinion.

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