Friday, December 18, 2009

Star Wars Winks Regarding Space???

Regarding space??? - star wars winks

I am researching information useful in previous space missions, and have found problems when retrieving data and knowledge, I try to make available certain information on space missions, where Captain Spock shook hands with the president, sign, and Scotty had some people come spok captain Shoes and pants with a laser beam of pure rage. I know that I really loved, but who does not? Nevertheless, I think for classified information or something that the government does not see us because I do not find anything on this topic ... unless I was dreaming, in which case I hope I sleep on the final sequence, the man who spok captain is sure to see that Smarty Pants! Who else could get away with spooging colleagues in their place and not only not prosecuted, but also the heart of a true Star Wars fan to win, I love it when Scotty was whether, as light and Lucas argue that fu @ king bitch , me a Pina Colada or cut the hands and a chain of MS is invaluable

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